Angela Sprunger, 3 years old, 1980

Angela Sprunger, 3 years old, 1980

Angela Sprunger

Ohio University
Assistant Director, Ohio Valley Center for Collaborative Arts
Lecturer, School of Art + Design

angelasprunger at gmail dot com

My artwork considers the body as social, political, medical, and finite. My research centers on the contested space of bodies as they intersect with care, feminism, and aging. I produce work in an expanded printmaking practice of iteration, the multiple, objects, performance and social practice. The work performs the body, often mine, or the body performs the work. I employ the visual vocabularies of politics and medicine and the objects and gestures of caregiving to agitate physical and metaphorical points of connection/disconnect between bodies. Using take-aways, interactions, transactions, and activations, I invite bodies into a communion of care.